Tuesday 31 August 2010

Books And Myself

Who doesn't love a good book? Unless you don't like books, in which case stop reading this now as it could be bad for your health. Personally I'm into horror, mystery, adventure and action. Due to this, I'm not into Twilight and find love stories make me feel sick. I tend to end up reading books for guys.... Which can be embarrasing when you're buying one. I got a weird look when I bought the whole Alex Rider series in WHSmith. I got the feeling that I wasn't exactly an ordinary girl. I mean, I really don't like pink, wear a bit of black everyday, my hands are always cold... etc.... I wanted to die my hair a darker colour (people make assumptions cuz I'm blond) but my mum doesn't want me to. Don't make me talk about my mum. She annoys the hell out me. She just doesn't get me very well. Not like I can blame her really, she grew up in a different environment and doesn't get the 21st century very well. Technolodgy seems to go over her head.

Anyway I just wondered if someone could recommend a book for me to read. I'm a big fan of Skulduggery Pleasant, Harry Potter and anything that contains sarcasm. Thanks :)

The Russian word for a railway station is 'vokzal', which may sound phonetically similar to Vauxhall.

Monday 30 August 2010

No, I Still Haven't Given It A Name

If you can think of a name for my story I will be soooo grateful. But I won't give you anything :P I'm nasty like that. Here's part 2 and enjoy. Wait, you want music too? Oh, you little '@<+=)|\£$$"$^*( Get it yourself. Lazy. I'm not in the mood...

Ryan was in the subway, warm and sleeping with a smile on his face.
“Ryan,” I said, shaking him, “Look how much money I’ve got!”
He yawned and rubbed his eyes, “Wh-where did you get that?”
I lied quickly, “While you were asleep someone must have put it in your tin! It’s our lucky day!”
He jumped up and said, “McDonalds?”
I nodded in agreement and we ran off to the nearest McDonalds that were right out of the subway. I let Ryan go in, he looked normal, unlike me. If I walked into McDonalds there would be havoc.
He came out a few minutes later with two happy meals and we went back in the subway, shared the blankets and sat down together, covered in salt and tomato ketchup. Sitting down with Ryan was my favorite time of the day. Other people might find their younger brothers annoying but Ryan was a beacon of light to me.
We licked our fingers and laughed. And Ryan widened his eyes, like he had something to ask, “Why do people call happy meals happy meals?”
It was a question only a pure hearted child like Ryan could ask and did every 2 minutes. But a kids question was like opening a door into innocence, “Because it makes people happy when they eat them. Don’t you feel happy?”
He nodded and licked his lips and tried to get his tongue to reach the tip of his nose, which had a large blob of ketchup blobbed just out of reach.
He eventually gave up and got it off with his finger, then licked that and asked me, “Hey, Caleb, when can we leave Z?”
I blinked, “We can’t, Ryan, you know that.”
”But I heard him talking to someone yesterday, when you were gone.”
What I hadn’t told Ryan was that I had gone to do a job for Z, another messenger job. And I had seen one of his ‘mates’ coming in. This ‘mate’ was a regular and I saw him at least every weak.
“Oh. What did he say?”
Ryan had a really good memory, and remembered everything he heard, “I couldn’t hear clearly, the door was shut and there was music on but his mate wanted a kid, you know”
“One of the girls” I nodded.
“And Z said he had a really special one but it wasn’t ready yet…”
I sighed, the girl mustn’t be 16 yet. Poor girl, she was in for a shock.
“But his mate didn’t care. He didn’t want a girl for that. He wanted one to do a job for him.”
“What kind of job?”
“That’s what Z asked. And he said he just wanted a girl to work in a house. This rich family was looking for a kid about 7 years old and they wanted a girl but someone who had no family and they had to be good at lying. He said it didn’t matter if they could fight, he would train her.”
With a strange feeling I asked him, “What did Z say?”
“He laughed and told the man he had just the right one and not to worry and to come back tomorrow night.”
I gulped, remembering Z’s strange words, “He laughed?”
Ryan nodded, “Why? What’s happening?”
I put on my ‘I’m-you’re-big-strong-brother-nothing’s-going-to-happen-face, “Nothing. It’s just Z’s business, yeah. We can’t get involved in that. Just forget what you heard. Don’t tell anyone.”
Ryan nodded, “Okay, big bro.”

We walked back to base, Ryan carrying the tin with the left over money I’d soon hide and I was carrying the pile of blankets. All of the blankets went back to Z and he’d tell a kid every night to give us one each to sleep in. All of them were the same size. There was never an argument.
Again the kids avoided us and we put our blankets on the pile and I took Ryan to our little spot of the train station, it was a hole in the wall that most people just walked past but when I first came here it was the perfect spot, like a ready made cradle for Ryan. It was nice and warm, insulated by the bricks, straw and the dust I had gathered over the years to keep us warm. I put the tin and the money in a hidden cupboard of sorts and Ryan curdled up into a tiny ball and instantly fell asleep.
Ryan was a deep sleeper; he could sleep through a war and wondered what had happened to the world when he found himself next to a man with a gun. But I could almost never sleep, not until the clock chimed midnight. That was always the last thing I remembered. Ever had a teddy bear you can’t sleep without? Ryan was like that to me. When he was next to me, I’d eventually, slowly fade into sleep.
But tonight I needed to know something. Was that girl me?

I crept away from Ryan and got him a blanket from some kid who was handing them out. I went back again; I heard Big Ben toll midnight. I didn’t know when Z’s mate was coming but Z once told me 12 was his favorite number. He said it was at the top of the clock, the highest number, and the best.
And of course, in the toilets I heard Z’s gruff voice, “Listen, mate. This job, tell me more about it.”
“Z, you’re a good mate but I can’t, I don’t know meself. Me boss just wanted a girl for a job. You know as much as I do.”
“No, I don’t. Who’s you’re boss? Who’re yer work for?”
“Ah, do yer bite the hand that feeds yer? I can’t tell yer that.”
“They rich though, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said, “They pay good.”
Z snorted, “What the hell do they need a kid for, a girl at that?”
“They have a girl themselves, I’ve seen her. Right little angel. Annoys the heck out of me it takes the -"
“Naïve, huh?”
“That’s an understatement. She thinks the world is a happy, smiley place.”
“She would she’s rich.”
They both laughed until Z said, “They probably just want a sister for her, a friend or something.”
“That’ll be it,” the man hesitated, “Yer gonna give me one, then?”
Z replied, “Alright, mate. Since it’s you. But yer gotta give me some cash, yeah?”
The man sounded relived, “Cool, mate. How much yer want? I got a tenna on me.”
“Give me another fiva another time, yer got a deal.”
No hesitation this time, “Sure.”
I realized I was standing was right outside the door and right the eye line of the both of them when they walked out of the door and desperately looked for a place to hide but to no success.
The door creaked open. Z’s grin said it all, “Here’s yer gal.”
The man looked surprised, “It’s a boy.”
“She’s good at disguising herself; you’d never guess would you?”
I glared at Z for all my life’s worth and his grin grew, “She called herself Caleb Fisher and walked in here with her little brother Ryan four years ago. I know you wanted one with no family but don’t worry, I’ll take of him.”
The man thought about it, “What will you do?”
“I’ll just shoot him. Bury him in the normal spot, don’t worry.”
The man nodded, “I’ll take her.”
My heart shattered but my brain was still running and I said, “Don’t take me, let me stay here.” I didn’t say please. Please was a weak word. I still had my pride. They couldn’t take me away from Ryan. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever.
But I knew they would, staring into Z’s eyes, I was worth the 15 quid he was going to get and do anything to get it. I was just a little girl. No, I shook my head. I wasn’t a girl. For most of my life I had been a ‘boy’. I was tough. No way was I going to go easily. NO WAY were they going to shoot Ryan and no way was I going to work for a rich family.
But Z’s ‘mate’ put his huge hand into my mouth before any kid woke up.
Damn it! I shouted inside. I cursed the two of them with words I didn’t even realize I knew. The man picked me up and I fidgeted and fidgeted but nothing worked. He carried me out into London in his strong arms and he patted my head as I cried, “I know it’s hard but it’s for the best, you would have died if you’ve stayed there.”
His words were kind and true but Ryan was going to die and I’d never see him again. We should have run when he told me. I shouldn’t have gone to the train station. I should have found somewhere else to stay.
Ryan was going to die.
And tears streamed out of my eyes like a waterfall as I was carried through London in the strangely warm mans arms.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Something That I Wrote

Well, I actually typed it but you get the idea. I'm trying to write a book and I hope one day this will be my first. I don't know how long it'll take to get it published so have a read through :)

Here's some music while you do...

Have you ever felt the overwhelming need to survive? Have you ever been completely helpless and unable to do anything? Do you have the right to decide, to make choices?
You don’t. Probably not. Yes, you have already decided what you want to do with your life, or you’re still thinking about it.
The only right I have is to say ‘Yes’.
I am a robot, programmed to say that dreaded word. No is not in my dictionary.

I am Caleb Fisher.

It was 12 am, 30th December 2000, London. I was with Ryan, my little brother. The only one I lived for. I don’t know about my parents, me and Ryan were both kidnapped four years ago, when my parents were out. Today was Ryan’s birthday but we had no time to celebrate. Or money. Or food. We basically had nothing except for the clothes on our backs. But I had my pride.
Ryan was the cutest little brother anyone could ever wish for. He had brown hair and big brown puppy dog eyes. He was shy, short and loved by every girl we met. And most of all he made money.
We were kidnapped by a gang called the ‘Gangsters.’ I know such imagination. Anyway, they made kids beg or sell stuff they sold to make money. They didn’t like getting their hands dirty but they’d hit us if we didn’t make ₤5 a day. Some of the older kids picked pockets but they got caught almost every week. I didn’t Ryan to do that when he was older so I taught him how to juggle and I could do some magic tricks. We normally did that but on some days, people wouldn’t give you any attention.
Like Christmas Eve. Then we kids had to resort to drastic measures. Every year Ryan would sit somewhere and wrap himself up in thick blankets and get a bit of money from begging. Then, I’d tell him I’d do some tricks on the streets.

Of course, that was a complete lie.

I am a good liar, you see. Even lying to Ryan, who knew everything about me couldn’t tell when I was lying out of my teeth.

The ‘Gangsters’ boss was Billy Z. So we just called him Z. Or Boss if he was angry. Z liked me, or so he said. Every year, on Christmas Eve he’d give me a package and send me on my way. I’d walk to a different place every time, wherever it said on the package. I’d walk and walk and finally get there.
This time, I was in an abandoned house, a short and fat gingered haired man was waiting for me. He was wearing a black suit and a v neck shirt that did him no favors. I didn’t bother to tell him. He also smelt of alcohol and smoke. Typically, he had a big pipe in his mouth.
But forget him. What I really cared about was the package and what was in it. But if I opened it Z had promised Ryan would never look the same. Not with a broken nose and black eye, he assured me. So I let my worries of the package fade inside. It would be gone from life in less than a minute.
I gave it to the ginger fat dude and said, “From Z, he says to tell you that the plan is in place and the money will be ready soon. When you’re out of London, open the box. I will have the money 1 week from now.’”
“I see,” the man said in a deep voice, “Will he send me the money or will I have to come and get it myself?”
I gulped, mostly Z’s allies didn’t ask me questions and let me go, “Um, he didn’t say but I guess it must say in the box.”
“I see.” He repeated and eyed the box carefully before turning around quickly and leaving me standing alone.
I sighed with relief as I heard him drive away.
Men like them scared me. But they scared Ryan even more.

It was 2pm when I got back to base; I’d always tell Z what happened before I went to Ryan. As much as I hated letting Ryan wait, letting Z wait was dangerous.
The ‘Gangsters’ base was in an unused train station in the back streets of London, where the shamed and lost gather like dirt under the sofa.
There were kids smoking and drinking, a few gambling and placing bets on fights. We gave ₤5 to Z each and the rest was ours. Sometimes we bought food and clothes but Z mainly gave us them when we asked and we were chased out of shop because we were so dirty. We didn’t do much.
If we insulted Z or his ‘mates’ who sometimes came he wouldn’t give us food for 2 days and he’d take all our money so we couldn’t buy some.
Life was even harder if you were a girl. Z sold off the girls when they turned 16 or those who looked 16, anyway… I didn’t want to know what happened to them.

I found Z in the toilets smoking his heart out. At least he wasn’t drunk. He looked pretty calm, anyway.
“I’ve delivered the package, Z” I told him.
He tapped his fag into the sink and said, “Good. Did yer see what was in the box?”
“No, Z”
“Good,” he reached into his pocket and took out a few notes and gave them to me, “Go get some food for yer and tha’ little bro o’ yers. Yer a good boy, Caleb, oh, yes, a good boy.”
Z freaked me out sometimes, “Thank you, Z.”
“You’ll be a good man one day!” he shouted as I walked out the door, his laugh echoing through the train station.
As I left, no kid met my eyes. They stayed away from anyone who was close to Z. I couldn’t blame them. I’d do the same.
I clutched the money tightly in my hand, it was all worth it. If I died, it was fine. As long as died for my brother. Z’s words echoed through my mind, like he was mocking me. Did he know my secret? No. He couldn’t know. No one knew. Not even Ryan.
I walked past a shop window and saw my reflection. I was no cute boy, not like Ryan. I kept Ryan clean but I had no time for myself. I was scruffy, my clothes tattered and hair like it had been through a bush. I didn’t have Ryan’s eyes either. My eyes were a dark green, my hair was black and I was tall for my age. I was a seven year old ‘boy’. I grinned, if I didn’t know better, I’d think my reflection was a ‘boy’. I was no boy. But no one knew, I wanted to keep it that way.

That's just the first bit, I'll put up the next tomorrow maybe... I hope you liked it :)

Look Out Sunshine!

It's raining today, shouldn't say I'm surprised really. I AM in England. I hope it's sunny where you are. :) I have the pertfect song for today.

I don't know why it just fits. It's okay if you don't like it. Just don't throw something at me! Look at my post on 'Those Youtube Haters.'

So I was typing yesterday. On my laptop and managed to get the internet working, my sis was on the computer (I'm on the 40th page now!!!) and I decided to read some One Piece fanfiction. Yeah, I don't why either. I just felt like it. I was basically glued to the screen.... Go look on www.fanfiction.net go see for yourself. I'm tempted to write my own but I'm not very good at that sort of thing. My stories just tend to goon for ever. Like at school they ask to to write one page on something I do five or someother ridiculous number....

Ever done that? No? Oh, well, I'm sure I'm not the only one who writes more than you need to.

President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.

Saturday 28 August 2010


Sooooo I went ASDA yesterday and forgot to post it on here but when did ASDA get good taste. I don't bother calling them George. No, it's so cheap it's ASDA. They're having a 50% off sale right now (don't believe me? Go there yourself or just go on their webbie) and I found some nice stuff.


since im 13 I can't wear them (such a shame) they'd look soooo good with these tights I saw in Primark, a black dress or a skirt maybe... Anyway I'm getting off topic. It got me thinking whats in fashion this season soooo I had a little lookie on the webbie.

So the 60s ladylike look is back people! If you don't know what your body shape is go here:http://www.channel4.com/4beauty/style-me/bodyshapefinder. It's very helpful. I'm a medium height sleder shape! !YAY! Tell me your results girls, it's about we got some confidence and Gok is just the gay guy to do that. If you don't know who I'm talking about you haven't looked. Look up Gok Won on Google.

Back to subject, 70s and military style is in big too.
Military Vests Pictures, Images and Photos
Sorry if you can't see it very well but it's nice isn't it? I've seen a few like it in Primark, Topshop and Next.

Think 70s maxi dresses girls. The bolder the print the better but beware of the colour. Make sure the colour suits your skin tone. If you have uber dark chocolate skin go for purple or white, or something that shows you off. For those pale beauties out there stick to pastal colours, they'll show off your skin tone. For more info go here: http://www.ehow.com/how_3249_choose-colors-flatter.html
Very useful. I'm a Summer and suit pastels, not black and orange. Good thing I don't normally wear them. Well sometimes black if I'm in a bad mood or going a funeral...

Here's the maxi dress I was talking about. It's good for covering up bumpy bits. Again make sure you take Goks test and click the button 'find clothes to suit my shape' it'll surprise you what you find :)

The buttons on the sleeve ends of the jacket were invented cuz Napoleons soilders had an annoying habit of wiping their noses on their sleeves...

Friday 27 August 2010

Those Youtube Haters And Microwaves

Just been on Youtube (you know, that huge music website???) and saw a hate comment. It hit me I didn't even know who these people were. Did they have nothing better to do than write hate comments on Youtube? Okay, I made my blog on a whim but making a Youtube account, finding the video you want to comment on, writing a stupid comment on how the music is crap and how you hate it is going a bit far, isn't it? I get that comment boxes are there to put on your opinion (hint, hint) but at least put in a respectable way, as everyone has their own opinion. I've seen the comments about Miley Cirus being a slut, Talyor Swift having no great talent, JLS being gay (which is just stupid cuz it makes no difference and i hate it when people use the word gay as an insult when its true meaning is happiness) and countless others. I want to know who these low life people are and why they aren't reading this blog! lol

Seriously, it's just mean and a nasty thing to do. Besides, who's gonna actually give a damn about your comment in the future? It makes no difference if you say those things cuz muscians will always have haters no matter what. Just had to get that of my chest...

And did you know???
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

Why did he have a chocolate bar? Shouldn't he have been researching? lol nevermind :)
MAYTAG OTR MICROWAVE Pictures, Images and Photos


The ugliest anime character?

Lets face it, we humans prefer to look at photoshopped, skinny beings so i thought id use anime as an example to show you some ugly, unsightly people..


Rock Lee Pictures, Images and Photos

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Now, everytime you wake up in the morning and dislike what you see... Thank God you do not look like them :)

Planets, Gods and Stuff You Probably Know

In my last post, I mentioned Earth is the only planet not to be named after a god. So here we go..

Mercury - Mercury represents the messenger god, Hermes. He was said to be the fastest god but obvioulsy they forgot about the wind gods, Iris goddess of the rainbow and Nike the actual goddess of speed...

Venus - Venus represents the goddess of love & beauty, Aphrodite. Venus is known as the most beautiful planet in the solar system, thus it's named after the goddess of beauty. But if she was human she'd be a slut anyway, Helen was supposedly the most beautiful mortal woman. Then there's Hera, Calypso,Persephone goddess of springtime and queen of the underworld, Hestia the most forgiving of the gods. And Athena, the wisest of the gods but you really wouldn't want her as an enemy, she'd never stop hunting you....

Earth - Earth represents Terra. She was a land goddess who the romans prayed to if there was an earthquake

Mars - Mars represents the god of war, Ares. Mars of course is red which is also the color of war (symbolic of blood). The two moons of Mars are named after the two sons of Ares, Phobos and Deimos. Basically, he loved killing. End of.

Jupiter - Jupiter represents the ruler of the gods, Zeus. The planet is the largest and most magnificent which is representative of the great Zeus. Jupiter has 16 moons. The 4 largest are named after some of Zeus' affairs, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The other 12 moons represent more of Zeus' lovers, a few of his children, and others linked the great god. They are: Adrasta, Amalthea, Ananke, Carme, Elara, Himalia, Leda, Lysithia, Metis, Pasiphae, Thebe, and Sinope.

Saturn - Saturn represents the father of Zeus, Cronus. Why Cronus? I honestly don't know. What I do know is that the 18 moons surrounding Saturn are named after various Titans, Gods, Goddesses, and other important figures in Greek mythology. They are: Atlas, Calypso, Dione, Enceladus, Epimetheus, Helene, Hyperion, Iapetus, Janus, Mimas, Pan, Pandora, Phoebe, Prometheus, Rhea, Telesto, Tethys, and Titan.

Uranus - Uranus represents, yeah you guessed it, Uranus! He was god of the sky and married to Gaia. All religions back then had the god of earth and god of sky married. Even the egyptians but that's a differnt story.

Neptune - Neptune of course represents the god of the sea, Poseidon. I think the reason for this is because it's a blue planet and the sea looks blue under the sky, see the connection? Good, you're getting smarter by the moment :) Neptune's largest moon is named after Poseidon's son, Triton. The rest are named after sea nymphs and others associated with the water. They are: Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Naiad, Neried, Proteus, and Thalassa.

Pluto - Pluto represents the god of the dead and underworld, Hades. It's the coldest and most desolate of the planets. Very appropriate for representing the cold, desolate state of being we call death. It's one moon is named after the ferryman of the dead, Charon. I guess in a way, Charon is still ferrying around Pluto (Hades) to this very day. Charon is not to be confused with Chiron, who trained Achilles. You know, the ankle dude? Chiron was a centaur of great intelligence and was the son of Cronus.

Another useless fact: Athens is only named after Athena cuz all the women voted for her to protect them. Turns out there was one more woman in the population so she got the position....
Athena Pictures, Images and Photos
GO ATHENA :) lol

Exam Answers, Sterotyping And A Bit Of Human Ego

What is better than looking at funny exam answers, its like you've been framed gone wrong. I had to go and find some on the internet :)

funny exam answers Pictures, Images and Photos

funny answers Pictures, Images and Photos

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On a serious note, if you have watched the news, many more students have passed their exams this year than ever before. Well done, students of the world! Take that people who think all teens wear hoodies, smoke and drink! Of course, it will not change their opinion in the slightest cuz they are stubborn... :( its just stereotyping. It does annoy me really that I get tiny glares from shop keepers cuz im a teen. It's also annoying how many teens get bad press just cuz the minority goes out and attacks old ladies on the street. It seems that the good teens of the world get the least attention and are ignored. It's fucking retarted. Sorry if you dont like me swearing but its true. Besides, I'm sure there are many adults out there who are just as bad, lots are even worse. Let's not forget the pedos, murders and criminals out there. I'm not saying live in fear and hide your kids but give them a decent childhood instead of going on Jeremy Kyle to get your problems sorted.

And Earth is the only planet not named after a god, which shows how stuck up we humans are.

The hottest anime character?

I was just reading some discussion or whatever on this and no one mentioned my fave guy ever

brook Pictures, Images and Photos

am i the only girl in the world who finds him strangley attractive? lol dont worry im kidding. just cuz i have nothing better to do, here's my top ten

10. The Cat of Hottness
kyo Pictures, Images and Photos
Cuz guys with red eyes dont exist

9. The Other Cat of Hottness
ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos
Blue hair = epic :)

8. The Dude With 3 Swords
The more swords the better!

7. The Love Cook
we all love a player

6. The Random Guy Across The Street
Oh, he looks hot with roses

5. The Retard
Orange jumsuits = hot???

4. The One who Will Be Even Hotter When He's Older
Syaoran Li Pictures, Images and Photos
come on, who didnt watch cardcaptors and dream of a guy like him? unless you're a guy yourself, of course you could be gay or bisexual it doesn't make any difference. the point is, he's hot!

3. A Man In A Suit
Tuxedo Mask Pictures, Images and Photos
technically he's wearing a tuxedo but same thing...

2. The Vampire
zero Pictures, Images and Photos
he's so hot he's cold..

Lavi Pictures, Images and Photos
bandanna+hammer+eyepatch+scarf=TOO HOT FOR WORDS!! :)

This is just my opinion, of course and you probably wont care but... anyway i leave you with this: The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.

Motivational Posters

If you haven't already guessed I love my motivational posters. I like looking at them and making them, its very easy. Photobucket = Friend :)

Here's a few that I made





they're not so good but I like em anyway.... feel free to tell me what you think :)

Politicians And Their Mistakes

We just love to hate the cheeky beeps dont we? oh, we love shouting at the tv knowing that the tv wont answer and complaining they're pretty useless and Gordon Brown has a freaky smile... Everyday we turn on the tv, put on the news and become angry and depressed at the state of the world. It's just one of the many cycles of life. You soon become annoyed at the news that we either pick up the remote and change the channel or have an argument about who should get off their backside to pick up the remote and do the decent thing, save your ears from the horrible truth....

More people have died, another pedo on the loose, someone else has been killed, a child has gone missing, the economy is getting worse, another 25 people have lost their jobs and debt seems to swollowing up the country...

And then there is one man in the middle of it all...


Yes, Gordon Brown. The man who has many words but says nothing important. Before the him there was Tony Blair and we all remember him don't we? Oh, he made plently of promises but kept none. Then he promised Gordon Brown he would take his place. Oh, I remember it well. I tried being positive, he had no charisma at all but i guessed that wasn't everything. There was soimething very fishy about him. It turned out he got us into the mess in the first place.... And people still voted for Labour.

Last night that one thought kept me awake. Then at 2am it came to me, Labour is the largest party there is. So, obviously all their relatives voted for Labour and their relatives and their relatives. And then you have the loyal but blind Labour supporters who vote for Labour every single time for no reason at all. Its ironic isnt it?

I leave you with this useless fact: The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.