Friday 27 August 2010

Those Youtube Haters And Microwaves

Just been on Youtube (you know, that huge music website???) and saw a hate comment. It hit me I didn't even know who these people were. Did they have nothing better to do than write hate comments on Youtube? Okay, I made my blog on a whim but making a Youtube account, finding the video you want to comment on, writing a stupid comment on how the music is crap and how you hate it is going a bit far, isn't it? I get that comment boxes are there to put on your opinion (hint, hint) but at least put in a respectable way, as everyone has their own opinion. I've seen the comments about Miley Cirus being a slut, Talyor Swift having no great talent, JLS being gay (which is just stupid cuz it makes no difference and i hate it when people use the word gay as an insult when its true meaning is happiness) and countless others. I want to know who these low life people are and why they aren't reading this blog! lol

Seriously, it's just mean and a nasty thing to do. Besides, who's gonna actually give a damn about your comment in the future? It makes no difference if you say those things cuz muscians will always have haters no matter what. Just had to get that of my chest...

And did you know???
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

Why did he have a chocolate bar? Shouldn't he have been researching? lol nevermind :)
MAYTAG OTR MICROWAVE Pictures, Images and Photos


1 comment:

  1. So true! I hate reading hate comments. Opinions are fine, but why can't people state them respectfully? The jerks make me so depressed and they're not even talking about me.
